Now you can review your performance, see the statistics to find out where you lack, and improve on it to become the best. The tracker can record every single inch of data and present it to the gamer for analytical purposes. Most of the tracker mods in FFXIV are weak stuff, this is next level mods on steroids. If you’re crazy about numbers, statistics, and analytics when it comes to gaming, we know we are, then get an advanced combat tracker. Just like your typical harry potter mischief managed map that disappears and appears, moogle maps work the same. You can easily access the maps in the game when and wherever you want. Since this is a texture change mod, you don’t have to worry about it crashing the system, dropping fps, or any other unpleasant experiences.
Replace basic map texture with maps that allow you to find treasures. Get moogle maps and change the entire gaming landscape. How about treasure hunting in the world of final fantasy? We know you’re interested. Flicker Optimisation& V-Sync Stutter Fixīest Final Fantasy 14 Mods 25.